
  1. Register a domain name

register(address owner, string calldata name, bool reverseRecord) external returns (uint);

Register a domain for a specific address. You can set the resolve record upon registration or only register the domain name. The return value is a tokenId relating to the domain name.


  • owner: The address of the user owning the domain name

  • name: The domain name

  • reverseRecord: whether to set a resolve record at this point

Return value:

  • The tokenId related to the domain name.

  1. Set a resolve record

function setNameForAddr(address addr, string calldata name) external;

A user sets a resolve record for a domain name:


  • addr: The owner of the domain name. If the owner is zero address(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) , then this is an operation unbinding a name with an address.

  1. Set a profileURI

function setProfileURI(string memory profileURI) external;

Store the caller's profileURI on the blockchain. The profileURI is a transaction hash on Arweave which can be used to access the user's identity data via an Arweave gateway.


  • profileURI: A resource address pointing to a user's identity data. It is a transaction hash on Arweave, with the data stored on Arweave.

The content uploaded to Arweave is structured as follows:

  "avatar": "${The avatar of Soul}"
  1. Lookup a domain name

function addr(string calldata name) virtual external view returns (address addr);

Lookup the user address linked to a given domain name


  • name: the domain name

Return value:

  • addr: the resolved address

  1. Reverse resolving

function nameOf(address addr) external view returns (string memory name);

With an address, you can reversely resolve the domain name it binded with.


  • addr: the address

Return value:

  • name: the domain name

  1. Check an address's profileUIR

function profileURI(address addr) external view returns (string memory profileURI);

With an address, you can query the resource address storing a user's identity data.


  • addr: the address

Return value: profileURI, a resource address pointing to a user's identity data.

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