Relationship Graph

GET /api/v1/relationshipGraph

  • Through this API, you will be able to query the list of 1-degree relationship graph data (users) authorized by users. A 1-degree relationship refers to other users directly associated with the said user. This data needs to be decrypted using the Lit Protocol.

  • Header

  • Request Parameters

  • Request Example

curl  GET '' \
--header 'ApiKey: <ApiKey>'
  • Response Parameters

The decrypted fields of EncryptedData are as follows:

The decrypted data structure of EncryptedData is as follows:

    "relation": {
      "relationId": "d4swz-zaaaa-aaaaj-at5fa-cai",
      "name": "test_user",
      "avatar": "",
      "address": []
    "twitter": {
      "username": "VitalikButerin",
      "name": "vitalik.eth",
      "avatar": ""
    "steam": {
      "steamId": "178691028912",
      "name": "vitalik",
      "avatar": ""
    "description": ""
  • Response Body

  "code": "0",
  "desc": "success",
  "data": {
    "encryptedString": "xxx",
    "encryptedSymmetricKey": "xxx"
  • Return Code

Last updated