The sharing condition is that the specified EOA (Externally Owned Account) address can access it. After obtaining user authorization, developers can use a specific EOA address to decrypt the content returned by the interface.
For example, if the developer's address is: 0xfd7daf19b5719623e7378450a2bab4403f240004 (the private key is: 89a1a8c7d5f6ab952e02c5c6a71f48d60fbe06c21ec021374907d93d644b1236: ,the ApiKey is: 581c6c4fa0b54912b00088aa563342a4. Note:This ApiKey is only used for developer testing experience), below is how to use the Lit Protocol's JS-SDK to decrypt the interface information:
Copy npm install @lit-protocol/lit-node-client base64-to-uint8array
Copy import LitJsSdk from '@lit-protocol/lit-node-client' ;
import * as u8a from "uint8arrays" ;
import ethers from "ethers" ;
import siwe from "siwe" ;
import toUint8Array from 'base64-to-uint8array'
const decryptString = async () => {
const encryptedString = "encrypted information returned by the API" ;
const encryptedSymmetricKey = "encrypted information returned by the API" ;
const chain = 'ethereum' ;
const authSig = await signAuthMessage ();
const litNodeClient = new LitJsSdk .LitNodeClient ();
await litNodeClient .connect ();
const accessControlConditions = [
contractAddress : '' ,
standardContractType : '' ,
chain ,
method : '' ,
parameters : [
':userAddress' ,
] ,
returnValueTest : {
comparator : '=' ,
value : '0xfd7daf19b5719623e7378450a2bab4403f240004'
// <String> toDecrypt
const toDecrypt = LitJsSdk .uint8arrayToString ( toUint8Array (encryptedSymmetricKey) , 'base16' );
// <Uint8Array(32)> _symmetricKey
const _symmetricKey = await litNodeClient .getEncryptionKey ({
accessControlConditions ,
toDecrypt ,
chain ,
// <String> decryptedString
let decryptedString;
const blob = await LitJsSdk .base64StringToBlob (encryptedString);
try {
decryptedString = await LitJsSdk .decryptString (
blob ,
} catch (e) {
console .log (e);
console .info ( "decryptedString:" , decryptedString);
* Get auth signature using siwe
* @returns
const signAuthMessage = async () => {
// Replace this with you private key
const privKey = "89a1a8c7d5f6ab952e02c5c6a71f48d60fbe06c21ec021374907d93d644b1236" ;
const privKeyBuffer = u8a .fromString (privKey , "base16" );
const wallet = new ethers .Wallet (privKeyBuffer);
const domain = "localhost" ;
const origin = "https://localhost/login" ;
const statement =
"This is a test statement. You can put anything you want here." ;
const siweMessage = new siwe .SiweMessage ({
domain ,
address : wallet .address ,
statement ,
uri : origin ,
version : "1" ,
chainId : "1" ,
const messageToSign = siweMessage .prepareMessage ();
const signature = await wallet .signMessage (messageToSign);
console .log ( "signature" , signature);
const recoveredAddress = ethers . utils .verifyMessage (messageToSign , signature);
const authSig = {
sig : signature ,
derivedVia : "web3.eth.personal.sign" ,
signedMessage : messageToSign ,
address : recoveredAddress ,
return authSig;
decryptString ();